• University of Beira Interior


2022/23, Fall


20/07/2023: The marks for the "especial" Exam are available. Students are allowed to see their tests at office 3.22, on Friday, 21/07, 14:00 - 15:00.

07/02/2023: The marks for the "recurso" Exam are available. Students are allowed to see their tests at office 3.22, on Wednesday, 09/02, 14:00 - 15:00.

24/01/2023: The marks for the "Normal" Exam are available. Students are allowed to see their tests at office 3.22, on Wednesday, 25/01, 16:00 - 17:00.

11/01/2023: The marks for the "Teaching/Learning" (Ensino/Aprendizagem) period are available. Students are allowed to see their own tests at office 3.22, on Thursday, 12/01, 15:30 - 17:00.


1. Artificial Intelligence - Introduction

1.1 Definitions

1.2 Foundations / History

1.3 Ethical Issues: Risks and Benefits

2. Intelligent Agents

2.1 Internal Structure

2.2 Environments

2.3 States

3. Problem Solving - Search

3.1 Search Algorithms

3.2 Uninformed Search

3.3 Informed Search (Heuristic-based)

3.4 Search in Complex Environments

3.4.1 Local Search and Optimisation

3.4.2 Search in Partially Observable Environments

4. Problem Solving - Adversarial Search

4.1 Game Theory

4.2 Alpha-Beta Tree Search

4.3 Monte Carlo Tree Search

5. Problem Solving - Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs)

5.1 Definition

5.2 Constraint Propagation in CSPs

5.3 Backtracking Search for CSPs

5.4 Local Search in CSPs

6. Knowledge Representation and Planning

6.1 Logical Agents

6.2 First Order Logic (FOL)

6.3 Inference in FOL

7. Learning

7.1 Taxonomy

7.2 Decision Trees, Linear Regression and Classification

7.3 Model Selection and Optimisation

7.4 Nonparametric Models

7.5 Ensemble Learning

7.6 Probabilistic Models

8. Neural Networks and Deep Learning

8.1 Feed Forward Nets

8.2 Convolutional Networks

8.3 Learning Algorithms

8.4 Recurrent Neural Networks

8.5 Transfer Learning and Cross-Domain Learning

9. Reinforcement Learning

9.1 Rewards

9.2 Passive Reinforcement Learning

9.3 Active Reinforcement Learning

9.4 Q-Learning and Deep Q-Learning


- Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. Global Edition, ISBN-13: 978-1292401133, 2022.

- Denis Rothman. Artificial Intelligence by Example. Expert Insight ISBN-13: 978-1839211539, 2020.

- Michael Woolridge. A Brief History of Artificial Intelligence, Flatiron Books, ISBN-13: 978-1250770738, 2021.


- Assiduity (A) To get approved at this course, students should attend to - at least - 80% of the theoretical and practical classes

- Practical Projects (P) The practical projects of this course weights 30% (6/20) of the final mark

- (P1) Practical Project 1: Search and Optimization (3/20);

- Due Date: Monday, November 14th, 2022.

- (P2) Practical Project 2: Learning (3/20);

- Due Date: Monday, January 9th, 2023.

- To get approved at the course, a minimal mark of 5/20 should be obtained in the practical project part;

- The pratical project mark is conditioned to an individual presentation and discussion by each student;

- Written Test (F) Monday, January 9th, 2023, 09:00. Room 6.01

- Mark (M) M = (A >= 0.8) * (P * 6/20 + F * 14/20)

- Admission to Exams Students with M >= 6 are admitted to final exams

- The practical projects mark is considered in all examination epochs;


Theoretical slides: [pdf]

Practical exercises (Google Colab + Python essentials): [pdf]

Practical Project I (Search and Optimization): [pdf]

Practical Project (Chess - server): [py]

Practical Project (Chess - client (Template)): [py]

Practical Project (Chess - client (Random moves)): [py]

Theoretical slides (AI + Agents + Problem Solving): [pdf]

Practical exercises (Problem Solving): [pdf]

Auxiliary Functions (N-ary trees): [py]

Help Practical Sheet 2 (Search Spaces): [py]

Theoretical slides (State Space Search): [pdf]

Practical exercises (State Space Search): [pdf]

Solution State Space Search: [py]

Theoretical slides (Antagonism): [pdf]

Help Practical Sheet 3 (Antagonism): [py]

Theoretical slides (Local Search and Optimization): [pdf]

Practical exercises (Local Search and Optimization): [pdf]

Help Practical Project (A Bit Smart Chess Player): [py]

Theoretical slides (Local Search and Optimization, continuation)

Practical exercises (Optimization. Genetic Algorithms): [pdf]

Theoretical slides (Optimization, continuation)

Theoretical slides (Knowledge Representation): [pdf]

Practical Project II (Machine Learning - Activity Recognition): [pdf]

Human Activity Recognition Dataset: [csv]

Theoretical slides (Machine Learning: Regression/Classification): [pdf]

Practical exercises (Classification): [pdf]

Pizza Dataset: [csv]

Wines Dataset: [csv]

Auxiliary scripts (Linear Regression): [py]

Auxiliary scripts (Logistic Regression): [py]

YouTube Live Feed (Practical Works I Evaluation): [htm]

Theoretical slides (Machine Learning: Experimental Setup): [pdf]

Banknote Dataset: [csv]

Theoretical slides (Supervised Learning: Neural Networks): [pdf]

Auxiliary scripts (Neural Networks): [py]

Theoretical slides (Unsupervised Learning: C-Means + SOMs): [pdf]

Practical Sheet (Unsupervised Learning): [pdf]

Theoretical slides (Machine Learning: Deep Learning): [pdf]

Auxiliary scripts (Deep Learning): [py]

Theoretical slides (Machine Learning: Reinforcement Learning): [pdf]

Practical exercises (Reinforcement Learning): [pdf]




Informatics Department

Theoretical + Practical classes