Mário M. Freire
Full Professor (Professor Catedrático)
Department of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior, Rua Marquês de Ávila e Bolama, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
E-mail addresses: mfreire(at)ieee.org or mfreire(at)computer.org or mfreire(at)acm.org or mario(at)di.ubi.pt
IEEE Member, ACM Member, Ordem dos Engenheiros - Colégio de Engenharia Informática Member
Senior Researcher at Instituto de Telecomunicações, member of the
Secure and Intelligent Networked Software Systems Lab, home of the Network Applications and Services - Cv Group
Concluded and In-progress Doctoral Theses and Master Dissertations Under my Supervision
"Goal is to have impact: Change way people do Computer Science & Engineering. (...) Do “Real Stuff”: make sure you are solving some problem that someone cares about. (...) Faculty real legacy is people, not paper: create environments that develop professionals of whom you are proud."
David Patterson (1947), Key Advice on Alternatives to a Bad Career, Post Ph.D., in How to Have a Bad Career in Research/Academia, 2002.
Doctoral Theses
André Filipe Prata Ferreira (February 2020-present), site reliability engineer at Talkdesk.
Thesis: "Malware Classification in Mobile Android Platforms Using Static Analysis and Machine Learning".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, in progress.![]()
Vinícius de Miranda Rios (March 2014-present), recipient of a three-year doctoral fellowship from the Brazilian funding agency CAPES, started as a professor at Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins, Brazil in 2015.
Thesis: "Detection of Stealthy Distributed Denial of Service Attacks Using Artificial Intelligence Methods".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, in progress (Co-advised with Dr. Damien Magoni, University of Bordeaux, France).![]()
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho (April 2014-July 2024), recipient of a three-year doctoral fellowship from the Brazilian funding agency CAPES, professor at Instituto Federal do Tocantins, Brazil.
Thesis: "Simulation and Performance Evaluation of a Distributed Virtual Machine Placement and Migration Approach for Management of Cloud Computing Resources Using CloudSim Plus".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 26, 2024 (Co-advised with Dr. Claudio de Castro Monteiro, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Tocantins, Brazil). Public Notice.![]()
Vanice Canuto Cunha (March 2014-February 2023), recipient of a three-year doctoral fellowship from the Brazilian funding agency CAPES, started as a teaching assistant at the Federal University of Mato Grosso, Brazil, in 2016, which she joined as an assistant professor in 2023.
Thesis: "Timely Classification of Encrypted or Protocol-Obfuscated Internet Traffic Using Statistical Methods".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, February 24, 2023 (Co-advised with Dr. Damien Magoni, University of Bordeaux, France). Public Notice.![]()
Rui João Morais de Almeida Costa Cardoso (September 2011-January 2017), invited assistant professor at University of Beira Interior.
Thesis: "Enhancing Trustability in MMOGs Environments".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, January 03, 2017 (Main adviser: Dr. Abel Gomes, Department of Computer Science, UBI). Public Notice.![]()
Ângela Cristina Marques de Oliveira (September 2010-May 2015), teaching assistant at Polytechnic University of Castelo Branco, Portugal, promoted to assistant professor of computer science at this university in June 2015.
Thesis: "Automatic Quantification and Classification of Breast Density in 2D Ultrasound Images".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, May 18, 2015 (Co-advised with Dr. José Alberto Fonseca Moutinho, Faculty of Health Sciences, UBI). Public Notice.![]()
Filipe Cruz Gomes Soares (September 2007-July 2014), recipient of a four-year doctoral fellowship in industry jointly from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and Siemens SA Healthcare Sector and further reseacher in Siemens SA Healthcare Sector, joined Nokia Siemens Networks in April 2013 and its successor company Coriant, which emerged from a part of Nokia Siemens Networks, before joining Fraunhofer Portugal in December 2013, where he is now a senior researcher.
Thesis: "Computer-Aided Detection and Diagnosis of Breast Cancer in 2D and 3D Medical Imaging Through Multifractal Analysis".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 23, 2014 (Co-advised with eng. João Seabra, Siemens SA Healthcare Sector).
Research project winner of the Siemens Innovation Award 2012. Graduation Photo with the Adviser.![]()
João Vasco Paulo Gomes (September 2007-July 2012), recipient of a two-year doctoral fellowship in industry jointly from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and Nokia Siemens Networks and a two-year doctoral fellowship from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation, recipient of a research fellowship whithin Strategic Project - LA 8 - 2011-2012 at Instituto de Telecomunicações in January 2012, started as invited assistant professor at University of Beira Interior in October 2012 before joining Danske Commodities (Denmark) in September 2013. Now he is a software engineer at SimCorp (Denmark) since June 2016.
Thesis: "Classification of Peer-to-Peer Traffic by Exploring the Heterogeneity of Traffic Features Through Entropy".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 16, 2012 (Co-advised with Dr. Paulo Monteiro, Nokia Siemens Networks).
Thesis nominated for the 2012 ACM Doctoral Dissertation Award. Graduation Photo with the Adviser.![]()
Pedro Ricardo Morais Inácio (September 2005-December 2009), recipient of a four-year doctoral fellowship in industry jointly from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and Nokia Siemens Networks, started as invited assistant professor at University of Beira Interior in February 2010 before joining it as an assistant professor of computer science in October 2012.
Thesis: Thesis: "Study of the Impact of Intensive Attacks on the Self-Similarity Degree of the Network Traffic in Intra-Domain Aggregation Points".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, December 17, 2009 (Co-advised with Dr. Paulo Monteiro, Nokia Siemens Networks).
Pedro Inácio was the recipient of the Inventor of the Year 2007 Award of Nokia Siemens Networks Portugal.![]()
Nuno Manuel Garcia dos Santos (September 2004-November 2008), recipient of a four-year doctoral fellowship in industry jointly from the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation and Nokia Siemens Networks, joined Plux – Biosignal Engineering as a head of research in the Summer of 2008 up to April 2010, joined Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies in March 2009, started as invited assistant professor at University of Beira Interior in February 2010 before joining it as an assistant professor of computer science in October 2012. Now he is a full professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon since February 2023.
Thesis: "Architectures and Algorithms for IPv4/IPv6-Compliant Optical Burst Switching Networks".
PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, November 7, 2008 (Co-advised with Dr. Paulo Monteiro, Nokia Siemens Networks).
Nuno Garcia was co-winner of the Siemens Innovation and Excellence 2005 R&D Award. Graduation Photo with the Advisers.![]()
Joel José Puga Coelho Rodrigues (September 2002-July 2006), teaching assistant at University of Beira Interior, promoted to assistant professor of computer science at this university in July 2006. Now he is a professor at Federal University of Piauí, Brazil.
Thesis: "Performance Assessment of One-way Resource Reservation Protocols for IP Over Optical Burst Switched Networks". PhD in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 25, 2006.Master Dissertations
Marcos Aurelio Oliveira Cavalcanti (September 2020-July 2021).
Dissertation: "Avaliação de Desempenho de Sistemas de Detecção de Intrusões Baseados em Anomalias a Nível de Contentor para Aplicações Multi-Tenant Usando Algoritmos de Aprendizagem Automática" (Performance Evaluation of Container-Level Anomaly-Based Intrusion Detection Systems for Multi-Tenant Applications Using Machine Learning Algorithms).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 16, 2021.Gilberto Maloco Mpaca Gimbi (September 2020-July 2021).
Dissertation: "Comparação do Desempenho da Plataforma Apache OpenWhisk em Ambiente Local Usando Kubernetes e na IBM Cloud" (Performance Comparison of Apache OpenWhisk Platform On-Premises Using Kubernetes and in IBM Cloud).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 16, 2021.Kavadiambuko Maleka Lutandila (September 2019-July 2020), lecturer at Instituto Politécnico - Universidade Kimpa Vita, Uíge-Angola.
Dissertation: "Impacto do Uso da Plataforma de Segurança Prisma Cloud no Desempenho de Contentores do Docker" (Impact of Using Prisma Cloud Security Platform on Docker Container Performance).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 21, 2020.João Emanuel Leitão Freire (September 2019-September 2020).
Dissertation: "Orquestração de Containers Usando Kubernetes e Docker Swarm" (Container Orchestration Using Kubernetes and Docker Swarm).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, November 27, 2020.David Miguel Prata Ferreira (September 2019-September 2020), joined Altice Portugal in September 2019 as a Linux system administrator and outsystems developer, before joining NTT DATA Europe & LATAM in November 2021 as outsystems developer.
Dissertation: "Análise e Comparação de Desempenho de Containers em Docker e em Apache Mesos" (Analysis and Performance Comparison of Containers in Docker and Apache Mesos).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, November 19, 2020.Isabel Soqui Bongo (September 2018-January 2020), teacher at Ministry of Education of Angola.
Dissertation: "Avaliação de Desempenho das Plataformas Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark e Apache Flink Usando o Benchmark Hibench-master 7" (Performance Evaluation of Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, and Apache Flink Platforms Using Hibench-master 7 Benchmark).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, January 23, 2019.Luzimira de Abreu Ribeiro (September 2018-January 2020).
Dissertation: "Análise de Desempenho da Migração de Instâncias em Openstack" (Performance Evaluation of Instance Migration in Openstack).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, January 23, 2019.André Filipe Castro Louro (September 2017-July 2018), joined Altran Portugal in November 2018 as a Jr. Consultant/Engineer, before joining Softinsa in August 2020 as a developer.
Dissertation: "Comparação do Desempenho de Infraestruturas Virtualizadas de Elevada Disponibilidade Usando Hypervisors Nativos ou Containers" (Performance Comparison of High Availability Virtualized Infrastructures Using Native Hypervisors or Containers).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 20, 2018.Evaldo dos Prazeres Saraiva Chindele (September 2017-July 2018), lecturer at Instituto Superior Politécnico Independente, Lubango, Angola, and lecturer at Instituto Superior Politécnico da Huíla da Universidade Mandume ya Ndemufayo, Lubango, Angola, and CEO and Project Manager of Evoluyr, Lubango, Angola.
Dissertation: "Performance Implications For the Use of Virtual Machines Versus Shielded Virtual Machines in High-Availability Virtualized Infrastructures".
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 11, 2018.Bruno Carneiro da Silva (September 2017-July 2018), started PhD program at UBI in fall 2018.
Dissertation: "Towards Protection Against Low-Rate Distributed Denial of Service Attacks in Platform-as-a-Service Cloud Services".
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, November 19, 2018.Raysa da Luz Oliveira (September 2016-July 2017), joined Digitus Soluções em Sistemas, Brazil.
Dissertation: "Alocação de Máquinas Virtuais em Ambientes de Computação em Nuvem Baseada em Requisitos de Service Level Agreement" (Allocation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing Environments Based on Requirements of Service Level Agreement).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 20, 2017.André Filipe Prata Ferreira (September 2012-December 2013), recipient of a research grant from University of Beira Interior, started a post-graduation program in ICT for Cloud & Datacenter in fall 2013, before joining Syone in February 2014 as a Linux cloud engineer, before joining Portugal Telecom in December 2014 as a Linux cloud engineer, before joining Altice Portugal in February 2016 as a network management system's administrator.
Dissertation: "Secure and Efficient Storage of Multimedia Content in Public Cloud Environments Using Joint Compression and Encription"
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, December 18, 2013.Nuno Ricardo da Conceição Rosa Marques (September 2011-November 2012), technical staff of the Center for Computer Science at University of Beira Interior, started at Winprovit in November 2013 as a network data center operation manager at Portugal Telecom, before joining Portugal Telecom in October 2014 as a senior network & security data center administrator.
Dissertation: "Estudo de Convergência do Protocolo Open Shortest Path First Numa Rede Institucional Usando o Cisco Packet Tracer" (Convergence Study of the Open Shortest Path First Protocol in an Institutional Network Using the Cisco Packet Tracer).
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, November 7, 2012.André Filipe Ferreira Esteves (September 2010-December 2011), recipient of a research grant from the TRAMANET project before joining TIMwe as a software developer in May 2011. He is a lead software developer since September 2014 and CTO/Director since March 2016 at Flo-culture (United Kingdom).
Dissertation: "Detection of Encrypted Traffic Generated by Peer-to-Peer Live Streaming Applications Using Deep Packet Inspection".
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, December 12, 2011.Rui Pedro Quaresma Brás (September 2009-July 2010), recipient of a research grant from Instituto de Telecomunicações, started PhD program at UBI in fall 2010.
Dissertation: "An Object-Oriented Architecture for Transmission Simulation of Image and Video with Multiple Description Coding Over High-Speed Optical Fibre Channels".
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 28, 2010 (Co-advised with Dr. Manuela Pereira, UBI).Fábio Duarte Beirão (September 2009-July 2010), recipient of a research grant from the TRAMANET project, started at isAgile in October 2010, before joining TFV - Sistemas Informáticos in January 2012 as a software architect. Now he is a medium software developer at Coolblue (Netherlands) since January 2016.
Dissertation: "NetOdyssey: A Framework for Real-Time Windowed Analysis of Network Traffic".
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 22, 2010.
Fábio Beirão was the winner of the Best 2010 MS Student Award.Marisa Raposo Quaresma (September 2008-December 2009), recipient of a research grant from the TRAMANET project, started at Roff as a SAP ABAP consultant in April 2009 before joining Altran Portugal in June 2013 as a senior consultant. Now she is a senior SAP technical developer at Johnson Matthey (United Kingdom) since August 2014.
Dissertation: "Multiple Description Image and Video Coding for P2P Transmissions".
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, December 9, 2009 (Principal adviser: Dr. Manuela Pereira, UBI).David Alexandre Milheiro Carvalho (September 2008-October 2009), technical staff of computer science at University of Beira Interior.
Dissertation: "Towards the Detection of Encrypted Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Traffic and Peer-to-Peer TV Traffic Using Deep Packet Inspection Methods".
MS in Information Systems and Technologies, University of Beira Interior, October 22, 2009.
Rui Alexandre da Rocha Gonçalves Pereira (September 2004-July 2006), teaching assistant at University of Beira Interior, joined High School of Castelo de Paiva as a teacher in September 2006.
Dissertation: "Editor para a Web Semântica Integrando Anotações Semânticas, Ontologias e RDF" (Editor for Semantic Web Integrating Semantic Annotations, Ontologies and RDF).
Pre-Bologna thesis.
MS in Computer Science and Engineering, University of Beira Interior, July 26, 2006.“One of the problems of being a pioneer is you always make mistakes and I never, never want to be a pioneer. It’s always best to come second when you can look at the mistakes the pioneers made”.
Seymour Cray (1925-1996), Public Lecture at Lawrence Livermore Laboratories on the introduction of the CRAY-1, 1976.
Last update: 2024/10/23.