Abel J.P. Gomes
Associate Professor (Professor Associado)
Department of Computer Science, University of Beira Interior
Rua Marquês de Ávila e Bolama, 6201-001 Covilhã, Portugal
E-mail addresses: agomes(at)di.ubi.pt or mosqueteer(at)gmail.com or abel.gomes(at)acm.org
Articles in International Journals
A Cell-based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Modal Analysis of Non-woven Fabrics.
Nguyen T. Quyen, Nuno Dourado, Abel J.P. Gomes, and Fernando B.N. Ferreira
Computers, Materials & Continua (in press), August 2020.
Bounded-Search Pathfinders Based on Influence Maps Generated by Attractors and Repulsors.
Gonçalo N.P. Amador and Abel J.P. Gomes
IEEE Transactions on Games (in press), August 2020.
CavBench: a benchmark for protein cavity detection methods.
Sérgio E.D. Dias, Tiago Simões, Francisco Fernandes, Ana Mafalda Martins, Alfredo Ferreira, Joaquim A. Jorge, and Abel J.P. Gomes
PLoS One 14(10):e0223596, October 2019.
Recoloring Algorithms for Colorblind People: A Survey.
Madalena Ribeiro and Abel J.P. Gomes
ACM Computing Surveys, 52(4), Art.72:1-37, August 2019.
Contour Enhancement Algorithm for Improving Visual Perception of Deutan and Protan Dichromats.
Madalena Ribeiro and Abel J.P. Gomes
International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 5(5):79-88, May 2019.
CavVis — A field-of-view geometric algorithm for protein cavity detection.
Tiago M.C. Simões and Abel J.P. Gomes
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 59(2):786-796, January 2019.
Foreword to the Special Section on Shape Modeling International 2018.
Abel J. P. Gomes, Stefanie Hahmann, Evangelos Kalogerakis
Computers & Graphics 74(2018):A3-A5, August 2018.
Part-Based Mesh Segmentation: A Survey.
Rui S. V. Rodrigues, José F. M. Morgado, Abel J. P. Gomes
Computer Graphics Forum 37(6):235-274, February 2018.
xTrek: An Influence-Aware Technique for Dijkstra and A* Pathfinders.
Gonçalo Amador, Abel J.P. Gomes
International Journal of Computer Games Technology 2018(2018):5184605:1-19, April 2018.
A User Trust System for Online Games – Part II: A Subjective Logic Approach for Trust Inference.
Rui Costa Cardoso, Abel J.P. Gomes, Mario M. Freire
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 9(4):354-368, December 2017.
Geometric Detection Algorithms for Cavities on Protein Surfaces in Molecular Graphics: A Survey.
Tiago Simões, Daniel Simões Lopes, Sérgio Dias, Francisco Fernandes, Joaquim Jorge, João Pereira, Chandrajit Bajaj, and Abel Gomes.
Computer Graphics Forum 36(8):643-683, December 2017.
GPU-Based Detection of Protein Cavities using Gaussian Surfaces.
Sérgio E.D. Dias, Ana Mafalda Martins, Quoc T. Nguyen, and Abel J.P. Gomes
BMC Bioinformatics 18(November):493:1-493:10, 2017.
Real-Time Simulation of Cumulus Clouds through SkewT/LogP Diagrams.
Rui P.M. Duarte and Abel J.P. Gomes
Computers & Graphics 67(October):103-114, 2017.
A User Trust System for Online Games – Part I: An Activity Theory Approach for Trust Representation.
Rui Costa Cardoso, Abel J.P. Gomes, Mario M. Freire
IEEE Transactions on Computational Intelligence and AI in Games 9(3):305-320, September 2017.
Multi-GPU-Based Detection of Protein Cavities using Critical Points.
Sérgio Dias, Quoc Trong Nguyen, Joaquim Jorge, and Abel Gomes.
Future Generation Computer Systems 67(February):430-440, 2017.
Computational 3D Assembling Methods for DNA: a Survey.
Adriano N. Raposo and Abel Gomes.
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 13(6):1068-1085, November-December 2016.
Balloon Extraction from Complex Comic Books using Edge Detection and Histogram Scoring.
João Correia and Abel Gomes.
Multimedia Tools and Applications 75(8):11367-11390, September 2016.
A Total Order Heuristic-Based Convex Hull Algorithm for Points in the Plane.
Abel Gomes.
Computer Aided Design 70(January):153-160, 2016.
Convergence issues in the EPANET solver.
J. Muranho, A. Ferreira, J. Sousa, A. Gomes, and A. S. Marques.
Procedia Engineering 119:700-709, 2015.
Guest Editor’s Introduction: Massively Multiplayer Online Games Technologies and Applications.
Abel Gomes and Edmond Prakash.
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing 3(2):258-259, June 2015.
A Contour-Based Segmentation Algorithm for Triangle Meshes in 3D Space.
Rui S. V. Rodrigues, José F. M. Morgado, and Abel Gomes.
Computers & Graphics 49(June):24-35, 2015.
Triangulating molecular surfaces over a LAN of GPU-enabled computers.
Sérgio Dias and Abel Gomes.
Parallel Computing 42(February):35-47, 2015.
Efficient deformation algorithm for plasmid DNA simulations.
Adriano Raposo and Abel Gomes.
BMC Bioinformatics 15(September):301:1-301:14, 2014.
A Continuation Algorithm for Planar Implicit Curves with Singularities.
Abel Gomes.
Computers & Graphics 38(1):365-373, February 2014.
Impact of Row Sorting on the Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on GPU.
Paula Prata, João Muranho, and Abel Gomes.
International Journal on Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering 1(2):1-11, 2014.
Pressure-dependent demand and leakage modelling with an EPANET extension – WaterNetGen.
João Muranho, Ana Ferreira, Joaquim Sousa, Abel Gomes, Alfeu Sá Marques.
Procedia Engineering 89:632-639, 2014.
Technical performance evaluation of water distribution networks based on EPANET.
João Muranho, Ana Ferreira, Joaquim Sousa, Abel Gomes, Alfeu Sá Marques.
Procedia Engineering 70:1201-1210, 2014.
A Generalised Regula Falsi Method for Finding Zeros and Extrema of Real Functions.
Abel Gomes and José Morgado.
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2013(July):394654:1-394654:9, 2013.
WaterNetGen: an EPANET extension for automatic water distribution network models generation and pipe sizing.
João Muranho, Ana Ferreira, Joaquim Sousa, Abel Gomes, and Alfeu Sá Marques.
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply 12(1):117-123, December 2012.
3D molecular assembling of B-DNA sequences using nucleotides as building blocks.
Adriano Raposo and Abel Gomes.
Graphical Models 74(4):244-254, July 2012.
Graphics processing unit-based triangulations of Blinn molecular surfaces.
Sérgio Dias and Abel Gomes.
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 23(17):2280-2291, December 2011.
A Simple Physically-Based 3D Liquids Surface Tracking Algorithm.
Gonçalo Amador and Abel Gomes.
International Journal of Creative Interfaces and Computer Graphics 2(2):37-48, July-December 2011.
A BSP-Based Algorithm for Dimensionally Non-Homogeneous Planar Implicit Curves with Topological Guarantees.
Abel Gomes, José Morgado and Edgar Pereira.
ACM Transactions on Graphics 28(2):17:1-17:24, April 2009.
A Nonoriented, Nonmanifold Boundary Representation for Geometric Applications.
Frutuoso G.M. Silva and Abel J.P. Gomes.
Journal of Graphics Tools 13(3):15-33, November 2008.
A B-Rep data structure for polygonal meshes.
Frutuoso G.M. Silva and Abel J.P. Gomes.
The Portuguese Journal of Computer Graphics, December 2004.
Rendering implicit curves with isolated points through binary space partitioning.
José Morgado and Abel J.P. Gomes.
The Portuguese Journal of Computer Graphics, December 2004.
Least stratifications and cell-structured objects in geometric modelling.
Chris Reade, Alan Middleditch, and Abel Gomes.
International Journal of Shape Modeling 8(1):59-77, June 2002.
Point-sets and cell structures relevant to computer aided design.
Alan Middleditch, Chris Reade, and Abel Gomes.
International Journal of Shape Modeling 6(2):175-205, December 2000.
Set-combinations of the mixed dimension cellular objects of the Djinn API.
Alan Middleditch, Chris Reade and Abel Gomes.
Computer Aided Design 31(11):683-694, December 1999.
Form feature modeling in a hybrid CSG/BRep scheme.
Abel Gomes and José Teixeira.
Computers & Graphics 15(2):217-229, 1991.
Last update: August 13, 2020.